Fertility + Prenatal Care

Ready to Get Started?!
Whether you are currently natural family planning, in the process of IUI, under going IVF, or already pregnant, The Wellness Studio has experienced it all.
The Wellness Studio provides support for women and couples who are experiencing:
Fertility Issues
Recurrent Miscarriages
Low Sperm Count + Quality
General Pregnancy Support
Nausea + Morning Sickness
Acid Reflux
Breast Tenderness
Headaches + Migraines
At The Wellness Studio, we understand that fertility can be a deep and sensitive topic. That's why we find the root cause of your symptom(s) based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory. Each patient receives a tailored Acupuncture treatment for their presenting symptoms - this is not a "one size fits all" ordeal.
Acupuncture Benefits for Fertility
Helps Regulate Hormones
Acupuncture can help regulate fertility hormones that are in need of guidance. Hormone function is crucial for having a regular menstrual cycle and optimal ovarian function.
Regulate the Central Nervous System
Taking your body out of "fight or flight mode" is one of Acupunctures specialities. Having added stress or anxiety during your fertility journey and/or pregnancy is an item to cross off your list.
Promotes Blood Flow
Not only does Acupuncture help produce blood flow, but Acupuncture also directs the blood flow to the reproductive organs. For women, this helps boost the lining on the uterus to increase chances of implantation.
Improves Male Fertility too!
It is said that between 30%-40% can revolve around male infertility. Acupuncture can be a great benefit to improving sperm quantity, quality and mobility.
"One notable study out of Israel showed that women who did a combination of acupuncture and herbs with their IUI cycle had a pregnancy rate of 65.5% vs 39.4% who did the IUI alone, and live birth rates were 41.1% in the acupuncture group vs 26.9% in the IUI alone group.”
"Women receiving acupuncture demonstrated significant beneficial changes in serum cortisol and prolactin levels (stress hormones thought to impact on IVF pregnancy rates).”
Women receiving traditional acupuncture reported less nausea (p < 0.01) throughout the trial and less dry retching (p < 0.01) from the second week compared with women in the no acupuncture control group.”
Labor Preparation + Postpartum

Ready to Get Started?!
Congratulations, you have reached the third trimester and your baby will be here in no time! If your baby is already here, and you're needing additional support, you've come to the right place!
Area's The Wellness Studio can assist with Labor Preparation + Postpartum include:
Breech Babies
Hoping to Induce Naturally
Digestive Issues
Aches + Pains
Increasing Lactation Supply
Easing Postpartum Mental + Emotional Changes
Starting weekly Acupuncture sessions around Week 34-36 is best for getting your body prepped for labor and delivery. If you are experiencing a breech baby, make an appointment as soon as possible.
At The Wellness Studio, we find the root cause of your symptom(s) based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory. Each patient receives a tailored Acupuncture treatment for their presenting symptoms - this is not a "one size fits all" ordeal.
“In childbirth and delivery, acupuncture has been reported to be beneficial for inducing labor, shortening the time of labor, avoiding post-term dates, and reducing postpartum bleeding.”
"Following each acupuncture treatment, the volume of milk increased within several hours, measured as residual milk after breastfeeding. Also, the milk was released from both breasts after the first acupuncture session and this bilateral maternal milk production was sustained during the rest of lactation."
What to Expect
New Patient Consultation
Continued Care Acupuncture
Maintenance Mode
$40 -- 30 Minutes (Consultation Only)
Plan for 45 - 60 Minutes if you choose to stay for an Acupuncture Session after your Consultation
During your consultation, you will have a 1:1 with Dr. Sybil to discuss your health goals, review your medical history and intake form. Following this, you will have to option to stay for your first acupuncture treatment. Dr. Sybil will walk you through your personalized Continued Care Plan.
In order to best support you, it is ideal to see your acupuncturist on a regular basis and consistency is key. When it comes to Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we understand that our bodies heal from the inside out and to meet your wellness goals, it is beneficial to have a regular long term relationship with your acupuncturist.
Once your Continued Care Plan has been fulfilled and you are on the a maintenance journey, additional care options can be available to you.